Thursday, August 05, 2004


So far i've worked at 3 different places. At Least.
My first job was as an Account Executive at TVAd. An Advertising Agency that does ATL dan BTL but focusing on TVCs

My Second as an Account Executive (though my name card says Account Director. Managements said it gives more pride and class, and that it'll make clients be more respectful) at UPS formerly known as United Parcell Service.

Third and Last as an Assistant Program Director 1, assisting nobody but myself since there's no PD at Hard Rock FM Bandung.

Of course im expecting a Jump Off towards higher ground.
For that i have to really use the knowledge i had through my 2 years working experience.
2 years 3 places. Is that good or average? Or bad?

Anyways here's a recap of what i learned at each place.
This is important to regain usefull knowledge and skill i had and to use it at present day

1. I learned the basic skills of Marketing. Get to know them. Not to close unless you're ready to give em more.

2. A lot of usefull stuffs like knowledge and chances are there for us to pick from clients. So talk more, and get to know them

3. Know ur Clients Environment. Get along there. It is important for us to make em except us. For they will help us guide the decision maker towards the deal.

4. In getting notes Never Assume. It would mislead everything under it.

5. In TVC slots are provided directly from TV Stations. With their own specified rates.

6. In a Adv Agency the ones handling communication for client to stations would be Media Departement

7. Never rush ur client visit. Wait until things gets cold. Coz in each and every heat or warm conversation could pop a Popcorn.

1. In deals always get the Top Dog's number. Always get the Decision Maker

2. SPIN methode is flawless if used properly.
Situation Questions
Problem Questions
Implication Questions
Need Pay Off

3. Always probe deep. Get to know every corner of their business. Find a way for us to slip through later on. Remember, LATER! Not necessary at that very Visit. Ask them what is is from their business that they feel bothered. ANYTHING will do. Then do a recap on those problems they have. Remember if you only achieved sumthin' that lies on the surface, SPIN may not be effective. After doing the recap, time for you to Demonstrate how ur feature might help solve their problems. Bottom line, always know what they want.

4. Always review ur questions before entering clients office

5. Always write down whatever there is to know. State what is ur mission for today's visit

6. On complains, always check first before promising anything or apologizing on any behalf. Get both sides of story

7. Go easy on 1 client. Not every client could use the same treatment. Be patient. Remember PT NAMNAM?

8. Always consult with ur Supervisor. He might help you with more thorough solutions. Remember Supervisors sees on a much more higher ground.

9. It is important to make us on Top of Their Mind. So do anything necessary to gain so. Use merchandises, call em, visit em, e mail em, etc. Let em remember ur still here.

10. This is minor but its a culture for business. Always ready with namecards. Always give them using Both Hands.

11. Be reactive towards clients. You can do that in a lot of ways. When they complain, when they perform good, when they perform bad, when they start to fade, when they ask for help, etc.

12. Dont bow down to ur client. Always put urself in the same level. Always have bargaining position incl in dignity. Otherwise they would run you down on every deal.


1. If you have a lot of contacts in ur company get to know them 1st. They'll help you with things

2. Leadership is not raised by fear but by respect. Respect on the otherhand is Born. It cant be Created. So be patient about it. But also be Consistent. Make up ur mind and heart and walk on that same path.

3. These are tools to success: Persistency, Consistency, and Determination

4. Never let ur self be stuck. Always evolve. Always change. But dont lose ur Culture and Character.

5. If you dont have the ways to get to 1 point. Be Creative.

6. Creative is about Knowledge. Knowledge buried deep within ur conscious and Pops up everytime ur Conscious knows u needs it. So know more about a lot of things. You'll never know when or how its going to be usefull for you. Read, Watch, Walkaround, Talk to people.

7. If someone makes a mistake, let em know, Dont keep it down low coz u think it might offend them. You're doing the right thing by telling it. THEY on the other hand are taking it like a cry baby if they cant handle it.

8. Alywas give grade in notification. 1st is always a light notification. 2nd is a reminder. 3rd is Mandatory, 4th is Punishment. etc. Give them a chance to improve

9. What every employee needs the most is a good Manager. So perform at ur best to raise ur men to a higher level.

10. Always check twice. Check again, and do it all over again. Be very careful on whatever it is that you sign.

11. Be true. Dont Lie. It lowers ur credibility

12. Just dont, never, tell everyone 100% of what you know.


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