Monday, August 23, 2004

A Great Idea, Needs Great Courage to make it Happen/ REF

There are needs that needs to be taken care of.
REF Basketball Inc needs a way to roll out its items...
What is done today probably not enuff
We have stretched out to Jakarta. Trisakti and UI to be Exact.
We still have moves here in BAndung whenever there's a 3 on 3 contest
We'd be opening stands with our Special Basketball Card Surprise Promo

But still, we need more ways to Push more sales
Push more Production
Push more Distribution

We need more people wearing our Products
and more Image Spreading
More Penetrations

and there is one radicall idea that might cover it all

REF BASKETBALL CLUB is a community of people who would love to play basketball
Who would love to Learn Basketball in a Great way
Who would love to Compete and Push teir skills to the limit

REF BASKETBALL CLUB is juts another Ball Club but the Difference is
My idea is that the Teacher, are the FUTURE BASKETBALL BALLERS
Yes, them.

We pay them through the Monthly Fee we gathered from the REF BASKETBALL CLUB MEMBERs


Yes Members and Fee, i said before this is just another Basketball Team/Club
We have training schedules, we have 2 classes, we rent Indoor Basketball Court.
We have coaches, trainer, physicall trainer, a Manager
We have costumes and THAT is where REF Basketball Inc.

To get all that, we ask for Monthly Member Fee.
Question: Who would pay such money?...

Easy, Rich Kids.
Like those HIgh School KIds, Those Sophomore University kids
We have connections we'll use em

What are we promising them?
More basketball Skills
More FREESTYLE skills
More time and previlage to Ball
More chance to compete on a competition and gain extra money

The Management will find 3 on 3's frequently and pay to get its member playing in the Competition. The players have to wear REF Basketball Inc Apparell.

The idea is NOT to endorse great Ball players. The idea is this

1. MORE people wearin the shirt
2. MORE penetrating customers
3. MORE Community which is VERRy important nowadays as said by every Marketing books even by David Stern and Basketball experts
4. MORE ways to promote ourselves. Through the kids, we'll use them to "Talk" to others about REF, Through the Kids we'll use them for our BTL promos. Through the kids, we'll use urge them to play in various types of competition wearin REF shirts and REF Flag

But as always, we need the grease. We need the Money.
To smoothen things

Do we make proposals and look for sponsores?
Lets check out the needs of it

1. Indoor Court Rp. 200.000
2. Basic Coach Rp. 100.000
3. FREESTYLE Coach Rp. 100.000
4. Manager Rp 100.000

5. Start up Shirt, Pants and Towels @ Rp 100.000
6. Promotion through Flyers sum what like 500 pieces X Rp2000 would be Rp1000.000

Now, there are 2 ways to manage a Ball Team, Financially
By the MOney from the MOnthly Fee
OR by sponsores
Lets duscuss it from both point of view.

A. Through MOnthly Fee
Add all the monthly expenses and then you'll get ur monthly liabilities
1. Indoor Court Rp. 200.000
2. Basic Coach Rp. 100.000
3. FREESTYLE Coach Rp. 100.000
4. Manager Rp 100.000

Total Rp 500.000

Devide by the ammount of minimal Students in the team. Cosider it 15 people that 1 kid should pay about: Rp 35.000
If we can get all 15 kid to pay on time then all the liabilities are covered

Now lets see how much shoild the kdi pay for their 1st regristation fee
Rp 35.000 add by Rp100.000 for the Shirt, Pants and Towels

Yet through this methode there would be a chance for us to giveaways flyers for there's no more budget

B. Through Sponsorships

What we have to do is count how many money we need to cover up a year Operations.
Easy, multiply the number below with 12 months.

1. Indoor Court Rp. 200.000
2. Basic Coach Rp. 100.000
3. FREESTYLE Coach Rp. 100.000
4. Manager Rp 100.000

Total Rp 500.000
time 12 months Rp 6000.000
Plus the needs of the Apparell and Promo Rp 2.500.000

Total Rp 8.500.000

This might help, But it give more pressure to return the money that sponsores...

To Be Continue :)


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