Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Learning by (reading and) Doing / REF

I opened allaboutbranding.com and there's this article that stole my eyes.
It was something about Making the Small Brand win over the Big Brands
Its like the David and Goliath Epic.
And just like it, it covers more mind game, speed, and agility, ratehr than Power and Size.

The article states that Big Brands (Goliath) actually has a lot of weaknesses as well as his strength.
Because of it's size, Big Brands has the ability to Distribute all over the country. Taking money at much further places. Taking segmentations beyond their actual reach.

But then again, in order to communicate to theri buyers all around the country, they need to Promote. Thru TV Commercials. And they could surely afford it.
David the Small Brand couldnt possibly do so. Considering the Size and Strength.
Goliath could penetrate market's home thru TV. That is possibly the most personal Branding it could get
Can David Win?

He did

And he can do it again

The key, is knowing the Weakness.

1. Goliath has weaknesses in Speed. Speed covers some vital points

A. Getting Buyers Feedback.
Feed back is very important. As said that Selling products to PopCulture needs a lot of INSIGHTS that is knowing what the Markets wants, Needs, or Will Need for that matter.
Why's that very important? Because if we could get the feedback fast we wouldnt have to chase them around. Pop Culture is verrry rapidly changing. If we cant cope with it. Our products wont be pouring out profit.

And why Goliath cant get that fast? Because his home base is possibly thousands of miles from their buyers. Psychographically, they're different. For that it's hard for Goliath to KNOW what they're wanting, what they're dying for, what they'd BUY to have.
The response for Goliath comes very slow and could possibly changed knowing that it went through a lot of hands or heads

DAVID, on the other hand is small. He knows exactly what the Market wants. Because he's there! He sees it first hand. He listens to his markets personally. There for he can make adjustment, produces and sells it quicker than Goliath, enhance gains profit

B. Distributing products to Market
Because of the distance from Goliath to the buyers, he would need help from a 3rd party.
He needs a distributor to ditribute their goods to another place or city. There for, more money to pay the Distributor, and more time to Distribute.

DAVID, doesnt need 3rd party. He does it himself. He can reach the market faster than Goliath. There for get's speed in gettin' profit

2. Goliath has another weakness. He's to tall.
His height makes him tough to reach David.
We're talkin about price.

This is very common though not necessarily right.
Goliath's Size makes him impossible to sell products that are cheap.
David could win this because though he's not giving Big Blows. he's taking pieces outta Goliath. IF David has stamina eventually Goliath would drop in that particular arena.
Goliath couldnt reach the Market anymore because David is there with the Exact product they want with more cheaper price.

BUT THIS POINT gives another perspective. MOST Davids (Small Brands) weapon is Pricing.
If David keeps on fighting this way, overall he would never reach the same profit as Goliath.
UNLESS David's idea is not a numbers game. He doesnt want to take Goliath down. Only wants a piece of the cake.
IF David on the long run wants to be number one. He has to improve his game.

But that's another story.

So after reading all these, conclusion is defined.
There is one way, to complete all the needs stated is the mission.
Mission to reign over Big Brands, Locally.

But here's a recap. These are the ingredients to win:
1. Good Insights
2. Fast and accurate Distribution
3. Lesser Price than the Big Brand

The One way to do this, is Opening Stands. Direct Selling, Front Lining, What ever you choose to call it.
The activity to distribute, and sell REF BASKETBALL CLOTHING's Goods is omnipotent.
With it we can easily find out which product sells the most, and why.
With us as the Front Liners we can easly gain valuable information's or insights. We'd know what they want, why some of them didnt want to buy our stuffs, and why others are willing.
Through stands we will distribute products faster and nearer to the market. This is a good advantage. Big Brands need to drag buyers to their store. But we can get our company's ass and take it down to them.
And for that, market will know our price are cheaper than the price they knew hangin' on other brands.
With a Personal Approach, Positive Attitude, Excellence Service in Direct selling we'll earn a good spot in their heart.

YET, understand that this is only the strategy to win their heart over.
If no follow up actions after, the long and hard work wouldnt pay off.
No higher selling revenue would be achieved
And after a long break and gap, the next time we would open another stand, it would be like starting over again.

Follow up means, going through more selling activity TO the segmentation caught when we opened the stand. In our case it would be some high school in Bandung,local campus and campuses in Jakarta, Central and East Java.
Follow up means pushing new and improved products to be ready to sell. How we can make better products is from the insights gathered also from the recent Direct Selling activity.

It's a Wrap, time to quit reading and start working

Monday, November 29, 2004

That's how it went down... / REF

So the decision to take chances to our hand and sprint with it turned out to be one of the best decision ever taken in the history of REF BASKETBALL CLOTHING. The Stand on LIBAMA at GOR CTRA was a bomb

Not only that it manages to shower us with revenues
Not only that it helps us to "get rid" of our recent C class products and got a strong ground to start a new
Not only that it elevates us to stand amongst our buyers and be seen
Not only that it definitely helps us in gterms of promotion
Not only that through this we started a new business venture with Anwar and Candra
But it also helps all of us as a team to be united and work together as 1 solid team.

Also what's very important is to determine next step after this one.
1 foot on the wrong stepping stone would cause a disaster.

Some things to consider:

1. Determine the real Profit from all 8 days of sales (after Subtracted by stand fee, candra's and anwar's money)

2. Find out which product sold the most and could be positioned as the cashcow.

3. Plan ahead. Which event do we want to be envolved in? HEXOS High School COmpetition / National, Basket Kompetisi / Jabar, IBL / National.

4. Determine, what products would be suitable for all selected event

5. Decide the ammount of new products

6. Make Financial statements

7. Find new vendors

AND THENN, we can Create. Hopefully for the Better.

Saturday, November 20, 2004

Nearest Plan for REF

1. Open a Stand on LIBAMA at GOR Ctra Arena
That will help REF managing some things. Such as doing some PR activity by being visible by ballplayers. Opening a Stand might help REF get the product Distribute to people and get purchased.

2. Read the latest account balance, find out how much money does REF has.

3. Determine the ammount of money needed to make WOVENS needed for products, Plastics cover for products.

4. Make a Marketing Plan with real targets such as: Marketing activity output has to be enough financially for REF to make another round of products.

5. Produce the latest Jersey design (Red/White)

6. Get people to work. Whatever it might be. Everybody works. So determine what are the tasks people have to do.

Lack in the Business... / REF

There is one thing important that's missing in my business.
something i learned wat back when i was reading Kartajaya's "Marketing In Venus"
You can have the Best Design in the World
Manufactured by the best people with the best Technologies
Have the cheapest price
The wittiest promotional campaign
The perfect Marketing Strategies
Yet if you cant DISTRIBUTE right
No one will ever buy it

REF Basketball Clothing had looks that are interesting
In the near future, it looks is gonna get even more delicious
REF had the lowest price in terms of Basketball Clothing all around Indonesia
REF had the right Marketing Strategies they need as for now
Even though Promotions and PRoductions are two vital spects need to be taken care of,
but Distribution has been a problem from day one.

Distribution is an activity of getting the products to the market.
That has been very very weak
and the roots of it is, INCONSISTENCY.
Inconsistency in terms of words and doings

REF needs to uncerstand that no one would buy their products unless people can have a grip of it.
All that's left is, products stacking up unsold

REF has to do something very quick and very bold to make the product distributes well

Monday, November 01, 2004

Why Are'nt They Responding

My biggest problem nowadays in terms of LEadership is this one Choking Line
"Why are'nt They Responding to me?"

Its not that they wouldnt do the things i asked them to
But its because theyre (still) not working the way i wanted them to

I led by giving examples. I try not to give em bad examples and even if i did i always give hem examples on how mistakes are suppose to be taken care of
I led by giving them motivations, i gave em targets, finishlines, victories
I led by giving them chances to Lead their own team, Let them be Responsible
I led by giving them chances to expand them self, to push their selves to their own limit
I led by giving them their Rights and Obligations, and making them know that
I led by being Democratic, i was never Ruling
I led by being Strict, i was always consistent.
I led by always giving displays of such positive poise. I always showed them hopes
I led by telling them that i too have such high hopes on them. That they would be carved as the very best personalities one can ever find
I led by trying to be the best. I led by showing them, that winning is ours as long as we belive in it, and work for it

But What was the Response?

They perform at their lowest level of performance

They were Being Rude to People
They were NOT paying attention at their work
They were always repeating the same mistake
Again and again and again.
They DIDNT learn from the mistakes happened in the past
They Didnt have the Drive to succeed
They didnt have that sense of URgency
They didnt have that sense of Belonging
They didnt have that sense to analyze problems and recycled it to an answer.

And what are their ages?
Theyre not even 25 yrs old!

Where did I go wrong?
I did almost anything i can do
I even gave em Punishments
And lots of em if i may add
But nuthing seems to did any good

Where did i go wrong?

Where should i go to get answers?
Who know my Work ?
Who was once a GREAT leader?

Where should i get answers?